Welcome back to the Sassy Vixen Publishing blog and Brightest Blessings to you. For those of you who missed my posts in October on Behind Closed Doors, let me introduce myself. My name is Brigid Moon. I am one of the characters in the Now and Forever series written by Tammy Dennings Maggy. This week she’s asked several of us to give our take on our story so far. You know, the back story and all the insider information you don’t get to read about in the books.

They are the two of the three gods who are called The Three. Their older brother, Yeshua is the Master Creator and pretty much has the last word on everything. The Goddess Fate is the middle Sibling. She’s in charge of Destiny and making sure all of their creations continue down the right paths to their foretold futures. The youngest is Lucius. He’s the God of Trials and Tribulations and in charge of testing their creations to be sure they are worthy of all the gifts Yeshua wishes to bestow on them. The Eternal Siblings are known by many other names of course, but this is how they chose to reveal themselves to Tammy for our story.
I’d like to start off by thanking you both for coming here today. I know my cousins and friends have been keeping you rather busy as of late. Why did you feel it was necessary to intervene with Quinn and Jacob this time?
(Lucius chuckles softly) You want to take that one, dear sister?
(Fate rolls her eyes) Oh don’t be so melodramatic, Lucius. Brigid, as you know Quinn and Jacob have been fated to be together right from the start. Unfortunately, in each and every lifetime up until now, they’ve continued to choose paths leading away from each other.
And each time they did that, I had to develop more trials and tests for them to overcome. They had to prove to us they were worthy of having their always and forever. I mean, if your heart calls out for someone, shouldn’t you listen?
Now you’re just teasing. Don’t think Yeshua and I haven’t noticed your special interest in Brigid over the years. (Both of them turn toward me and smile.) Now look, we’ve made her blush!
Okay, um…this isn’t supposed to be about me. As for Quinn and Jacob, why not just let them keep trying in each life cycle until they get it right? Why send them to the Island and get the Guardians involved for just these two people?
Nice way to redirect the interview, Brigid! (His laugh unnerves me every single time. It’s not helping that he’s smokin’ hot!) The three of us had left them go as long as we could. There are just too many other destinies involved. Quinn and Jacob cross paths with many others. In order for all those life paths to be on course, Fate and the Guardians had to step in.
Lucius and I don’t always see eye to eye, but in this matter we were in agreement. He’s thrown everything he has at them and they keep searching for each other. Their hearts continue to call out to me to help them. I couldn’t stay away any longer. Too many Destinies were at risk. Including your own, my dear.
I’ll just leave that for Tammy to write in another book if you don’t mind, Goddess. I’d like to get back to the idea that in order for Quinn and Jacob to have their life together here on Earth, they had to choose the path that would lead them to each other. In fact, they had to choose to leave the Island without knowing exactly when they would find each other again. Why was that necessary?
Yeshua gave humans free will. He wanted them to be able to make choices in their life that had consequences, both good and bad. He feels they are our greatest creations and if given the chance, they will choose the correct paths leading to their fated destinies.
I don’t agree with him on that one. I think most humans are only out for instant gratification. They fold as soon as they are put to the slightest of tests. They should prove they are worthy of that fated destiny of theirs. Their happiness can be so much more if they have to work for it. If it’s just given to them, they take it for granted.
I understand that, but I thought you said these two had already been through enough. Why not just tell them the when and where and make it happen as soon as they returned to the Earth Realm?
There were still people both of them would meet in their future. Lucius needed them to cross paths with them in order to complete the trials of those other people. On the surface it would seem that Quinn and Jacob would be tested yet again, but I assure you, their future together in this lifetime was secured as soon as they chose that path. We did let the Guardians Daniel and Michael tell them where they would find each other again, but we thought it best not to tell even them how long it would actually be before they would be reunited.
It was enough for them to know they would have their fated destiny together. They didn’t question it or ask for guarantees. They just believed. That is what clinched it for me. Plus I got to hang out at that club you used to perform at with your band. You are quite the entertainer, Ms. Moon.
(now I’m blushing yet again. This time Lady Fate laughs and once again I’m unnerved…but in a good way. How can I not smile with these two together in one room and actually getting along?) Don’t think for one minute I didn’t notice you stalking me either, Lucius. You can take on the form of some of the sexiest actors around and I will still be able to tell it’s you!
I told you she would be able to pick you out of a crowd. She’s not an ordinary human, dear brother.
No, Brigid is anything but ordinary. It’s time we leave her to her tasks with this blog for Tammy. Isn’t there some sort of contest the visitors can enter?
Yes there is the contest. I’ll get to that in a moment. Thank you both once again for visiting this blog. As always it’s a pleasure visiting with you Lady Fate. I’m sure you have more mischief to manage, Lucius.
(Lucius’s bawdy laugh makes Fate and me smile broadly.) That’s what I love about you, Brigid. You have a lot of spunk. I’ll be seeing you around, I’m sure.
Come on, little brother. It’s time to go. (She takes his hand as they fade from the room.) Take care, Priestess. We will be in touch!

Sorry. I get sidetracked for a bit after one of their visits. Let’s get back to the task at hand. The contest today is for signed print copy of The Island (Now and Forever 2) and The Courtship of the Vampyre. One more prize is a framed copy of one of the poems from The Courtship of the Vampyre, decorated in the color scheme of your choice. All you have to do is get the most items in the scavenger hunt. The “items” are answers to the questions that can be found on any of Tammy’s blogs listed below.
Have fun! The winner will be announced tomorrow afternoon. You can also get more clues and answers in the Latte Lounge eloop chat with the Wicked Women. Click HERE to take you to that at Coffee Time Romance and more. Tammy will be there along with her other Wicked friends.
Behind Closed Doors | Sassy Vixen Publishing LLC | Four Seduced Muses | Not Enough Time in the Day | The House of Taboo
Scavenger Hunt about Tammy Dennings Maggy and her work
What celebrity does Tammy have a major girl crush on?
What is her nickname on Four Seduced Muses?
What are the names of her other alter egos/pen names?
Who is the seventh son of Adam?
Who cursed the seventh son after he interfered with Cain’s
Who is the actor who inspired the one who cursed the seventh
Hint: He
inspired the same character in Tammy's Now and Forever series.
Who is the driving force and muse for all of Tammy's poetry and her writing in general?
Bonus Question in
case of a tie:
What is Tammy's “evil day job?”
Send your answers to tammydenningsmaggyauthor@gmail.com
©Tammy Dennings Maggy 2012 and Sassy Vixen Publishing LLC
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