Welcome to the Sassy Vixen Publishing blog. I'm the Vixen and your host today for another special guest. This week I'm happy to welcome back to my blogs, author Tiffany Carmouche. On March 25th she was my special guest for Oh My! Monday on Behind Closed Doors. There she shared an excerpt from the second book in her Alaska series. She referred to it as a trilogy before...well, you'll have to read more to find out what plans she has for this romantic suspense series. ;)
Today, Tiffany shares more about herself. her writing methods and more about the heroine and hero of The Impostor . She even has a special request for those stopping by. So enough of the teasing. Let's get on with the interrogation...errr...interview!
Thank you for joining us today, Tiffany. Why don't we start with one of the most common questions readers ask their favorite authors. What inspires you to write?
Scenes pop into my head. Sometimes they disappear before I can get to a pen and paper, but sometimes when I am lucky I can capture them. When I write poetry, emotions often begged to be expressed in writing. You could sometimes tell the chapter in my life by the scribbling on the page.
OMG! I do the exact same thing. That's why I try to always have at least a small notebook and pen on hand wherever I go. You never know when a scene or just a sentence or two will pop in your head. I thought I was the only one who did that sort of thing. Are you a plotter or panster or a little of both?
I am both. I sometimes just write a scene. But I do plot out the whole book too. It really depends on the mood and goal of the day. I had a plot for the whole series, but sometimes the muse often decides she wants to take me on a detour…
You're preaching to the choir! Since you brought up that pesky muse, do your stories tend to be character driven or plot driven?
Very much character driven. I can have something all plotted out then a character decides to do something and my jaw drops and I have to just run with it. My characters have control. The Alaska Series began as a trilogy, but then I created a character I liked I had to write a whole new book.
Do you listen to music while writing?
I like silence.
What kinds of music work best for you when you're not actually writing but relaxing or just looking for inspiration?
When I need inspiration, I listen to a lot of different types of music depending on the scene. When I wrote of Dylan and Nicole’s waltz I listened to Fascination. When I wrote of their Bachata, I listened to Prince Royce. I love Secondhand Serenade, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Martina Desiree, Katy Perry, Pink, Sia, the list goes on and on…
All authors put a bit of themselves into their characters whether they want to admit it or not. In what ways are your characters like you? In what ways are your characters not like you?
Well my serial killer, has a few traits I deny having… I say dabbing at the blood drenched sleeve of my jacket. I don’t fantasize about stalking young women…at least I don’t admit to it. Lol. Nicole is a lot like me, sassy, hard headed and at times naive. There are many parallels in our lives. I did escape a stalker. I did leave an abusive relationship. I am a single mom trying to give my daughters the best life I can… I do love adventure and art, and I am a hopeless romantic trying to pick up the pieces and begin her life again….
What are the recurring core issues in your stories? Why do you think you are drawn to these types of characters/plots again and again?
I love the weaving of layers. I love twist and turns, love sexy men and the deeper issues some people shy away from. I like to dive in all the mess and try to make sense of it.
Who inspires you and why? (loved ones, friends, authors, public figures, historical figures, actors, teachers etc)
My daughters. Rocky and Martina are my driving force. Rocky shares my love for writing and Martina shares my love for art. They are my best friends and my life.
What inspires you and why? (Art, poetry, music, movie, book, etc. Please share something specific if you like.)
Life! All of the above and of course beautiful men! I cry sometimes when something takes my breath away. I can escape in nature, in the snowflakes tickling my face, in the colors dancing off a canvas, in the ripples of a man’s muscles, in the sounds of the ocean or even the whisper of the breeze. Life. Life inspires me.
Besides reading and writing, what activities do you enjoy in your leisure time?
I love sculpting and all forms of art. It really does take you away. I love mountain biking, dancing and singing and would love to begin flying or scuba diving again.
What’s your day job? How has it affected your writing life?
One of my hats is teaching dance. I love teaching and choreographing couples, especially couples who have been together for years. It is adorable to watch them rediscover each other. Many times they have not looked into each other’s eyes for forty five minutes in years. They often blush. It is fun to watch the romance reignite.
Your book: The Impostor, A Love Story
In one or two sentences, give the core premise behind your story.
The Impostor is the first novel in a suspenseful romantic series about unexpected love and a woman’s fight for survival. You explore the journey of a woman trying to rediscover herself, and the people who will risk everything to save her.
When and where does your book take place?
It is a contemporary series set in the beautiful, majestic Alaska. The characters travel to different places, but most of the series is set in the breathtaking landscape of Alaska.
Who is the heroine?
Nicole is the main character.
What drives her?
Her main driving force is providing a better life for her daughter, but there are many different issues with each book.
What is she running away from (literally or figuratively)?
The story begins with her escaping an abusive relationship and trying to rediscover herself. Everything is wonderful until her beauty taunts an evil man and she doesn’t know how she will survive.
What draws her to the hero in this story? What gives her that push away from him?
His sexy chiseled muscles and chocolate brown eyes attract her to him, but she knows of his reputation with women and tries hard not to fall under his spell.
What about her will make readers sympathetic to her?
I think many women have been abused mentally or physically. Sometimes it is by a partner, sometimes we ourselves are our worst critic and we often loose ourselves along the way. Nicole is on a journey to try and find herself again, and provide the best life she can for her daughter. She makes mistakes and is naïve, but there is also strength in her she doesn’t realize she has.
Who is the hero?
Her love interest is the sexy, rich, lead singer Dylan Richardson.

Dylan’s body looks like a roman gladiator. His muscles are beautifully sculpted and his sex appeal is magnetic. He is provocative, protective and incredibly romantic.
Is there a villain?
Yes, a man who becomes obsessed with Nicole.
What is the theme at the heart of your story?
Layered. Rediscovery, Love and Survival
Is this book a part of a series?
Yes it is the first novel in the series.
What is the theme of the overall series and how does this story fit into that?
It is layered. The power of love, friendship and rediscovery. No matter how many times you fall, you need to find the strength within to get up, find yourself and surround yourself with people who truly care.
Will these characters show up in other books in this series?
Yes, they all interwoven throughout the series.
How many books to you anticipate will be in this series?
I am writing Book 3 and 4 simultaneously.
What are you working on now?
Survivors are needed for my new project, Out of the Shadows! I need submissions from people who have been through a physically, or mentally abusive relationship and survived.
Do you know someone who has?
If so please contact me at : tiffanycarmouche at ymail dot com
Submissions can be:
*A chapter ~Your story (A paragraph -5 pages)
*Quotes from you on hope or overcoming obstacles
*Pictures, photography or drawings (black and white)
*Submissions can be from an adult or child’s point of view
*If you would prefer interview questions, I can send them instead/as well.
As many of you know, I, like Nicole in The Alaska Series, escaped an abusive relationship to begin again.
The book will be compiled of our stories. I feel if we can give even one person the courage to leave and break free of the cycle of abuse, we will have succeeded.
If you or anyone you know would like to be a part of this project, please do contact me at tiffanycarmouche@ymail.com
I will be accepting submissions through April.
Out of the Shadows will be used to give hope to people who are afraid to leave or have begun their journey out of the shadows and into the light. All the money will go to help provide service to victims of abuse.
Thank you so much for having me! Readers and bloggers are my life source. I could not do this without you! I love hearing from my fans, so if you do pick up the book and like it send me a message! It really makes my day :) Thank you for the support, and remember we are on this journey together! I am not backed by some huge publishing company, so I really rely on word of mouth. If you like my books please tell someone, share it or tweet it. You have no idea what that means to me. And do keep in touch. I do love hearing from you and it is fun to hear your opinions. I have two different ending written and it will be the feedback from fans that will help me decide the ending I choose.
Remember, Live! Laugh! And Love!
Tiffany Carmouché
Where to Connect with Tiffany